Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Question 8


Question 7

Top 5 Cyber Security Risks of 2015
How they have been enabled and how they can be avoided.

In today's world, cyber security has never been more important for businesses, organizations and governments. Hacking has become a daily occurrence and caution needs to be taken in order to avoid it. Discussing the top 5 cyber security risks from last year, we can better understand how severe the problems are and what to do about it.

1. Ransomware, "a type of malware which restricts access to the computer system that it infects –will become increasingly sophisticated in its methods and targets, experts at McAfee Labs warned" (Ellyatt, 2015). It has been predicted that ransomware variants that manage to evade security software installed on a system will specifically target endpoints that subscribe to cloud-based storage solutions such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.We saw this happen when famous celebrities had their private i-cloud accounts hacked and pictures were leaked online.

2. The Internet of Things, "the connection of physical devices such as home appliances and cars to the internet -- will still be the 'Internet of Vulnerabilities,' according to cyber experts (Ellyatt, 2015).

3. Cyber-espionage, is becoming the weapon of choice for many government organizations. Some predict that the next world war will be fought on a key board and that 2015 can expect more frequent cyber-espionage attacks.

4. Cyber-theft, Mainly the stealing of financial information has always been a major problem online. And not only credit cards, now that mobile payments or contact less payment are becoming the norm in most of our first world countries, hackers have a new opening, a new platform to work off.

5. Insecure Passwords, easy to crack passwords will still be a problem in 2015. It doesn't take a brainiac or seasoned hacker to crack a password. And not that its always a large scale theft issue, but high profile accounts like the celebrity i-cloud attacks recently is a good example of how bad it can get.

Recently, we saw that telecommunications giant, Apple, refused to enable their iOS hacking cloud for the FBI after a iPhone was discovered in the house of the San Bernardino shooters earlier this year. Their argument: it would compromise user privacy. 
This is a debatable subject, but at least we know that more recent i-phones are becoming more difficult to hack. I mean, if the FBI cant even hack it, its safe to say that your content is safe, for now.

There are different kinds of data that companies can use. To name a few..
1. Conduct a security audit; If you don’t know what parts of your business are vulnerable or what data you have that needs to be protected, you can’t properly secure it. It is critical that you work with a professional to audit your entire IT infrastructure, computers, network, and mobile devices, to determine what you need to do to prevent hackers from accessing your network
2. Use strong and multiple passwords.
3. Backup;  Ensure that your data is properly backed up, and test the backup to ensure that your data can be recovered when you need it.
4. Implement a multi-security-technology solution; Hackers, and their attacks, are more sophisticated than ever, and it is critical to have multiple layers of security technology on all your different devices.

Reference List

Ellyatt, H. (2015). Top 5 cybersecurity risks for 2015. CNBC. [Accessed on 31 April 2016] Available from: <http://www.cnbc.com/2014/12/19/top-5-cyber-security-risks-for-2015.html>


Question 6


Question 5

Monday, 30 May 2016

Digital Code of Conduct

 What is netiquette? 
" Netiquette is network etiquette, the do's and don'ts of online communication. Netiquette covers both common courtesy online and the informal "rules of the road" of cyberspace" Netiquette Homepage, 2016.

 10 Points of Netiquette & Examples
1. Remember the Human -  Never forget that the person reading your communication is actually a person with feelings and can get hurt. Essentially never say anything online that wouldn't say to your reader’s face.
2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life - Be ethical in your engagement and know that breaking the law is bad netiquette.
3. Know where you are in cyberspace - The netiquette required will differ from domain to domain. If you are in a forum of experts, your netiquette should reflect respect. Whereas if you are in a chat room with a group of friends (you know in real life) then the netiquette will differ.
4.  Respect other people’s time and bandwidth - When sharing files or documents, bear in mind the audience’s bandwidth. Furthermore, make sure you read the FAQs first before asking mundane questions where the answers already exist. If you disagree with a group’s discussion, don’t waste their (or your) time by telling them how stupid they are: Just stay away
5. Make yourself look good online - Check grammar and spelling before you post. Most people judge others’ intelligence based on the use of grammar and spelling. Only post on things you know about, it is not worth it to look like the fool.
6. Share expert knowledge - Offer answers and help others where you can.
7. Help keep flame wars under control - Don’t respond to flame-bait, don’t post spelling or grammar flames, and apologize if you have done so or perpetuated a flame-war.
8. Respect other people’s privacy - Don’t give out other people’s details, online or offline.
9. Don’t abuse your power - The more power you have, the more important it is how you use it.
10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes - We were all once beginners and should accept that everyone has to start somewhere.

10 Points of Netiquette, (2015).

Penalties for failing to apply to 10 points of Netiquette
 1. If these rules are not followed the first step would be to send the user an automatic email stating that they are breaking these rules.
2. The next step would be to limit their time access to the internet.
3. If the rules are still continued to be disobeyed they would then need to attend a disciplinary hearing.
4. If the previous step has not corrected their actions then the final step would be to take legal action against the user.

10 points of Netiquette, (2015).

How to Enforce Netiquette
In the workplace I would put up pictures and flyers to create awareness.

Reference List
Netiquette Homepage. (2016). Netiquette. [Accessed on 30 April 2016] Available at: <http://www.albion.com/netiquette/>

10 Points of Netiquette. (2015). The Chronicles of A Digital Citizen. [Accessed on 30 April 2016] Available at: <http://15009701.weebly.com/the-chronicles-of-a-digital-citizen/10-points-of-netiquette> 

The Social Economy: Unlocking Value Through Social Technologies

There are over a billion people on social media today. It has completely taken over the way we do things and broadcast news and messages. 

There are various advantages and disadvantages of social media.
To list a few advantages; easy and effortless communication anywhere in the world, sharing political and worldly views and reaching a broad audience with ease.

There are 5 main advantages of social media and each one comes with a disadvantage, how ever the advantages usually over ride the disadvantages.

1. Worldwide connectivity
Individuals are able to stay in contact with any one at any time anywhere in the world. These connections can help with various things; finding romance, job applications, seeking assistance, assessing news in real time and finding support from like minded individuals.

2. Commonality of interest 
When you opt to participate in a social network community, you can pick and choose individuals whose likes and dislikes are similar to yours and build your network around those commonalities. Sites like Pinterest are great platforms for sharing ideas with like minded people.

3. Increased Cycle-speed
Social networks has increased the news cycle speed drastically. It has made news instantaneous and opens up a platform for real time news sharing and discussions. 

Some of the disadvantages...

1. Risk of fraud and identity theft
The information you post on the Internet is available to almost anyone who is clever enough to access it. Most thieves need just a few vital pieces of personal information to steal your identity. 

2. Cyberbullying and crimes against children
Use of social networks may expose individuals to other forms of harassment or even inappropriate contact. This can be especially true for teens and younger children. Unless parents diligently filter the Web content their family views, kids could be exposed to pornography or other inappropriate content.
3. Backlash
When sharing online there will always be people who disapprove of your views. And there is no way of stopping them from saying what they think online.

Question 2


Homo Naledi, That Cousin We Didn't Know About.

On September 11, 2015, Wits University announced the discovery of a new human species, Homo Naledi.

Discovered by professor Lee Berger from the University of Witwatersrand, Homo Naledi is the single largest fossil hominid find yet made on the continent of Africa. 

A bit of a Indiana Jones lookalike, Prof Lee Berger grew up in the USA and studied at Georgia Southern University and then moved to South Africa to further his studies at what is known world wide as the cradle of human kind.

It started in 2013, when two recreational cavers found a small chute in the rising star cave which was about 12m long and 20 cm wide, the cavers found fossils.
Later that year, National Geographic funded a expedition called the rising star expedition to excavate the cave. A second expedition of 4 weeks followed later in 2014. 
1550 piece of bone belonging to at least 15 individuals were found. The fossils included bones, skulls, teeth and ribs.

 The physical characteristics of Homo Naledi are described as having traits similar to the genus Australopithecus, which is know to be our oldest ancestor. But is also shows characteristics and traits of the genus Homo.
An analysis of homo naledi sugests thatadult males stood at about 150 cm and weighed around 45 kg and femals where just a little smaller. They are believed to have been bipedal.

The discovery of Homo Naledi suggests that there are a lot more to the human ancestral race than we thought we knew. Archeologists are sure that there are more missing pieces to this puzzle we cal human kind.